Jade Skye – Bare-Legged Boss Lady

Category: Foot Fetish, HD Porn, Lesbian, Pantyhose | Date: 9 October 2012

Bare-Legged Boss Lady

Bare-Legged Boss Lady

Stacy Adams is no one to be trifled with. She treats her men like dirt and she treats the help even worse. She is used to everyone obeying her orders, so when she spies her maid Jade's bare legs, she commands her to drop down and suck her toes. What ensues is Stacy's complete domination of Jade, down to instructing her on how they are going to fuck each other with a double-headed dildo while sucking each other's toes. It's delightfully erotic and very domme-oriented action. A must-see for you foot-boys who like to be told what to do.

See More of Jade Skye at LEGSEX.COM!

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