Until their trip to the Dominican Republic's North Coast, Helen and Erin Star had only been photographed in Bucharest, Romania. SCORE's studio director finally got to spend a week with the sexy siblings for that week-long shoot in the Caribbean and found them a special sister act. "Helen always looks after her little sis, offering up modeling tips and direction on just about everything. Erin really looks up to her big sister."
"I think it was around 13 years old when my breasts began to get big," said Helen. "I am a year older than Erin. I was the only busty girl in school and this was a problem because everyone was always looking at me and all the girls were envious of me.
"Most people don't believe we are sisters because we are so different. I have dark hair and Erin has light hair. I think our faces are different, too. The only thing that's similar is our boobs!"
See More of Helen Star at SCORELAND.COM!
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