The Girl With A Rack Is Back From Iraq
She's been out of circulation for a while but now she's back, finally. The redhead with a rack is back from Iraq. Stacked ginger Jolie Rain with a bod to kill for is back at SCORE. Jolie is a walking wet dream in her sexy lingerie and heels. Always built like a brick shithouse, Jolie's pierced tits look bigger now. Miss Rain is looking for some sport-sex and she's loaded for bare. Her second fuck-buddy is up for the horny redhead and weapons expert. Jolie is anxious to practice with his tool using her weapons of mass distraction. "I don't do the whole girl thing well," said man's woman, former Cajun country Tomboy, video gamer and girl-next-door Jolie who whoops ass repairing muscle cars, practicing mixed martial arts and playing bass guitar. "I would much rather go to a bar and watch football than go to the mall and go shopping endlessly." As one TSG editor who interviewed her a few years ago put it, "It would be pointless if we were to have a poll that asked which girl you'd most like to have sex with. Taking the vote with a modest 100% of all ballots cast would be the selection 'All of them.' However, if we were to have a poll that asked which girl you'd most like to sit in a dive bar and have a drink with, Jolie Rain would have to be the choice." Add get "fucked and sucked by" to the poll.
See More of Jolie Rain at SCORELAND.COM!
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